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P7. ( Министр железнодорожного транспорта). Yes, of course. There is an ecological commission. It is working out a better mechanism to control the harmful substances of the main polluters, such as locomotives and railway enterprises. It was decided to create some stations of control. Five such stations are functioning now. The researchers of the Rostov University work at the problem of creating the perfect filters, neutralizers of harmful substances.

P8. Gasanova Irina, a journalist of the “Moscow News”. We know that noise is a special kind of environmental pollution. Noise may be a factor in many stress-related diseases, such as peptic ulcer and hypertension. People, who live near the railways, hear the noise of locomotives every day. And it very badly affects the health of people. What will be done in the near future to change this situation?

P7. ( Министр жел. Транспорта). You are quite right. Noise made by city traffic, by trucks, trains,  locomotives, sea and river boats, planes near airports influences very badly the health of people. Great attention is devoted to the settlement of this problem. We have found new ways and means to reduce noise and vibration levels. I think that the problem of noise will be solved.

P9. Ustinova Anna, a journalist of the “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. I want to take up the problem of radiation. It has become one of the main problems. There are some atomic power stations in our country. They are very dangerous. People’s careless interaction with nuclear engineering caused environmental disasters. We all remember about the Chernobyl catastrophe and its tragic results. Many people who received a certain doze of radiation, died or are invalids now. As a result about 18% of the territory of Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances. Great damage has been done to the republics’ agriculture, forests and people’s health. Everyone understands the results of “Kursk” catastrophe. I think it was terrible to leave the submarine with atomic engine on its board at the bottom of the Barents sea.

P10. (Министр энергетики). The problem of radiation is very acute nowadays. But here’s a bit of good news. We are trying to get energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable. It may help to heat and light quite a lot of homes. And I’d like to advice people to save energy, because saving energy is much better than making more energy.

Одежда с логотипом на заказ нанесение логотипа на одежду.

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